Celebanska A, Chiniforooshan Y, Janik M, Mikulic P, Sellamuthu B, Walsh R, Perreault J, Bock W. Label-free cocaine aptasensor based on a long-period fiber grating. Accepted in Optics letters.

Hamidi SV, Perreault J. Simple Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) colorimetric assay based on pH for target DNA detection. Accepted in Talanta. (PDF)

Abu-Baker A, Kharma N,  Perreault J, Grant A, Shekarabi M, Dona M, Neri C, Dion PA, Varin L, Parker A and Rouleau GA. (2019) RNA replacement therapy utilizing transcript knockdown and an optimized resistant transgene for rescue of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids. 15, 12-25.

Thamri A, Létourneau M, Chatenet D, Djoboulian A, Deziel E, Castonguay A and Perreault J. (2017) Peptide modification results in the formation of a dimer with a 60-fold enhanced antimicrobial activity. PLoS One. 12(3):e0173783.

Naghdi MR, Smail K, Wang JX, Wade F, Breaker RR, Perreault J. (2017) Search for 5'-leader regulatory RNA structures based on gene annotation aided by the RiboGap database. Methods. 117:3-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2017.02.009.

Greschner AA, Ropagnol X, Kort M, Zuberi N, Perreault J, Razzari L, Ozaki T, Gauthier MA. (2019) Room temperature and selective triggering of DNA supramolecular assembly/disassembly by non-ionizing radiation. JACS. 2019, 141 (8), pp 3456–3469

Chauvier A, Picard-Jean F, Berger-Dancause JC, Bastet L, Naghdi MR, Dubé A, Perreault J and Lafontaine D. (2017) Cotranscriptional riboswitch folding and activity are coordinated through transcriptional pausing in the translation initiation region. Nature communications. 2017 Jan 10;8:13892. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13892. (IF: 11,33)

Kharma N, Varin L, Abu-Baker A, Ouellet J, Najeh S, Ehdaeivand MR, Belmonte G, Ambri A, Rouleau G and Perreault J. (2016) Automated Design of Hammerhead Ribozymes and Validation by Targeting the PABPN1 Gene Transcript. Nucleic Acids Research

Jean-Pierre F, Perreault J and Eric Deziel. (2015) Complex auto-regulation of the post-transcriptional regulator RsmA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbiology. 161(9):1889-96.

Li J, Cai A, Ding L, Sellamuthu B and Perreault J. (2015) Novel Reverse Flow Baffled Reactor (RFBR) Operated in Continuous-Flow Mode for Formation of Aerobic Granules. Separation and Purification Technology. 149:437–444.

Pham HT, Jousset FX, Perreault J, Shike H, Szelei J, Bergoin M, Tijssen P. (2013) Expression strategy of Aedes albopictus densovirus. J Virol. 87(17):9928-32.

Chapalain A, Vial L, Laprade N, Dekimpe V, Perreault J & Déziel E. (2013) Identification of quorum sensing-controlled genes in Burkholderia ambifaria. Microbiology Open. 2(2):226-42.

El Korbi A, Ouellet J, Naghdi MR and Perreault J. (2014) Finding Instances of Riboswitches and Ribozymes by Homology Search of Structured RNA with Infernal. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1103:113-26.

Hammann C*, Luptak A*, Perreault J*, de la Peña M*. (2012) The ubiquitous hammerhead ribozyme. RNA. 18(5):871-85.

Perreault J, Weinberg Z, Roth A, Popescu O, Chartrand P, Ferbeyre G, and Breaker RR. (2011) Identification of hammerhead ribozymes in all domains of life reveals novel structural features. PLoS Computational Biology.

Weinberg Z, Perreault J, Meyer MM et Breaker RR. (2009) Exceptional structured noncoding RNAs revealed by bacterial metagenome analysis. Nature. 462(7273): 656-659.

Nehdi A, Perreault J, Beaudoin JD et Perreault JP. (2007) A novel structural rearrangement of hepatitis delta virus antigenomic ribozyme. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(20): 6820-31.

Perreault J, Perreault JP et Boire G. (2007) Phylogenetic study of Y RNAs and their pseudogenes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24(8):1678-89

Lucier JF, Perreault J, Noël JF, Boire G et Perreault JP. (2007) RTAnalyzer: identifying new retroposons in whole genome. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Web Server issue):W269-74.

Nandi S, Shi B, Perreault J et Gartenhaus RB. (2006) Characterization of the MCT-1 pseudogene: Identification and implication of its location in a highly amplified region of chromosome 20. BBA Section: BBA - Gene Structure and Expression. 1759, 5, 234-9.

Perreault J, Noël JF, Brière F, Cousineau B, Lucier JF, Perreault JP et Boire G. (2005) Retropseudogenes derived from the human Ro/SS-A autoantigen-associated hY RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 33, 6, 2032-41.

Deschenes P, Ouellet J, Perreault J et Perreault JP. (2003) Formation of the P1.1 pseudoknot is critical for both the cleavage activity and substrate specificity of an antigenomic trans-acting hepatitis delta ribozyme. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 8, 2087-96.

Pelchat M, Rocheleau L, Perreault J et Perreault JP. (2003) SubViral RNA: a database of the smallest known auto-replicable RNA species. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 1, 444-5.


Celebanska A, Chiniforooshan Y, Janik M, Mikulic P, Sellamuthu B, Walsh R, Perreault J, Bock W. Label-free cocaine aptasensor based on a long-period fiber grating. Submitted.

Smail, K. Perreault J#. The FadR and FabR binding sites upstream of fabB also regulate the expression of tRNA U(34) modifying enzyme MnmC. Submitted to Gene.

Tripathi SM#, Dandapat K, Bock WJ, Mikulic P, Perreault J, and Sellamuthu B#. Novel Aptasensor for Cyanobacterial toxin Microcystin-1 LR detection using dual-resonance long-period fiber gratings (DR-LPFG). Submitted.

Hamidi SV, Perreault J. Simple Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) colorimetric assay based on pH for target DNA detection. Submitted to Talanta.

Celebanska A, Chiniforooshan Y, Janik M, Mikulic P, Sellamuthu B, Perreault J, Bock WJ. Bioinspired carbohydrate-decorated long-period fiber grating for label-free bacteria detection. Submitted.

Lamarche MG, Arbour M, Choi YJ, Bourque D, Lévesque M, Deschamps S, Bernier L, Miguez CB#, Perreault J#. Toward bio-succinic acid production from methanol: reducing the need of a Methylobacterium extorquens succinate dehydrogenase mutant for chemical complementation. Submitted.

Najeh S*, Zandi K*, Kharma N and Perreault J†. Computational design and experimental verification of pseudoknotted ribozymes. Submitted to RNA.

Walsh R, Hudson R, Perreault J†. Small fluorescent nucleotide probes for ligand-binding analysis of the microcystin-LR aptamer. Submitted.